Monday, January 10, 2011

Here we go again.

Over at MadPriest blog the 'enablers' are out in full force.They say just one thing: MP, you are right and the Church  is crapping on you.

MP probably doesn't realize what has happened. His 'friends' have spent several years encouraging him to believe he is God's gift to humanity! Any moderation, any understanding of those he disagrees with---all these are anathema to MP and his enablers.

I just hope MP can see what has happened, and that his latest self martyrdom is not just a ploy to get more money.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thank God. And his name is JONATHAN

Both President Obama and the Repubs. insist their primary goal is to create JOBS. There are many suggestions as to how to acheive more jobs.

Well, we Americans need to swallow our pride and look to the mother country---England.

A cleric or ex-cleric in our mother country has solved the problem of unemployment.

HOW: If you are unemployed, get a blog. Show with multiple posts how your fellow Americans have let you down.On your blog, get a paypal account and ask those who pass your way to send you MONEY!! Afterall it's the government's fault,Christianity's fault,some bishop's fault you can't find a job-----you could tailor your 'meanies' to suit your position in life!!

Bingo. There are plenty of suckers in our country, and if each will send you just a 'small' amount of money---hell, you may wind-up never having to find employment. Just sit at home in front of your computer, let the MONEY roll in. At times you may need to 'fire up' your patrons with some posts on how life has picked you out to s..t on.So, Obama look to our 'mother.' She has the answer. Thank God she has given, or sent us a savior. Thank God for MP!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pay for not working.

More weird goings on over at the MadPriest blog. First, some woman has gone totally overboard on her comments. They(her comments)reflect the most fawning, subservient, attitude that can be found. It's hard to tell what the lady wants---she swoons with delight just to be 'connected' with the MP blog. Incredible!!

The other followers---at least some---continue to promise MONEY--yes, MONEY to make it possible for MP to continue his effort to avoid ANY type of employment. He wants to count sitting at his computer and appealing for MONEY as "working." Sure, it's crazy, But his "enablers" apparently feel that they owe MONEY to people who refuse to work. It's amazing.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ladies waiting

Busy with bowl games. But must comment on the latest MadPriest thing. He continues to run the greatest scam game on the net. He already has a couple of ladies desperate to get him. Not for anything physical.But for male dominance.For the new lady, I'm sure MP eyes show dollar signs at the least. It is encouraging that one of his disciples is finally beginning to see the 'light.'

More later. Got to get back to football.