Saturday, May 8, 2010

Three questions

I haven't posted on MP for a few days, but was driven back by one of his 'community' calling the Mad one all kinds of great things. Several other 'community' members followed up by adding lavish praise. The comments were rather embarrassing.

So three questions:
Why does he continue to be turned down as a vicar by other churches?
Does it not seem a bit strange that he uses his blog to solicit money for his personal use?
Why does he only allow those who gasp with praise for him on his blog?


  1. Why does it matter to you?

    You sound jealous, like he's your brother and Mommy is paying too much attention to him.

    Someone NEEDS counseling and it's not The Mad one.

  2. I feel it is my Christian duty to point out those who use their blogs to solicit money and to seek praise for themselves.

  3. Isn't it time for at least one of your personalities to move on to another obsession?

  4. I might 'move on' if MP or someone of the 'community' would ever answer a question. So far,no luck. Just pointless evasion so far.Kind of like a cult.

  5. Wow Dude, you are pathologically obsessed with some sad Church of England priest that evidently has been treated for mental illness. I found his blog mildly entertaining, and yours linked from his. You on the other hand aren't even entertaining, just sad. You seriously don't have anything better to do with your time?

    Let me take a shot at answering the questions just to help you out.

    1. Probably because of his history of mental illness. Doesn't mean he doesn't have anything to offer, just that I can't see any Parish taking the risk.

    2. People solicit money for personal use from me every day. Yeah, it's strange to see it from a priest on a blog but not quite as strange as your obsession with it.

    3. He's probably more insecure than average. There will always be people above average and below average on everything. No need to get all bent out of shape every time you run across one.

  6. Hey Sam, I'm not trying to be entertaining when I write about Map Priest. Just trying to save some sucker from being taken for money amd/or falling from some crap. You should praise me trying to save suckers from falling for a scheme.

  7. look you old fool. he doesn't ask for money that often and when he does we gladly pony up BECAUSE HE IS OUR FRIEND. Got it? Our friend. We like him. We think we should help our friends.

    But you obviously have no friends you multiple personality freak. So you have no understanding of why people help their friends.

    What we do to help our friends is none of your damned business and you can just butt the hell out and obsess over something else. If you wandered up to me on the street and started telling me what I can and can't give to my friends and what I can and can't talk to my friends about I would punch you in the damn face.

    Look, go take your medicine. Nobody has hurt you or any of your freakish multiple personalities.

    Children are taught to leave others alone and not act like you act. Did your mother not teach you these things? Go back to haunting the Roman Catholic blogs in the Tulsa area. They are probably better at putting up with your crap.

    Seriously, who gave you the right to interfere with our relationships with our friends? Who made this any of your business. No one. That's who. No one at all. So shove off, drop the obsession and try try try to get a real life. And leave us and our friends alone.

    Someone was rude to you? Big deal. Are you a three year old unable to drop it? No one is answering your questions the way you like and no one is apologizing to you. Because we don't like you. But we like our friends and that includes Jonathan. And it is none of your damned business why we like him any more than it is your damned business who any of our friends are.

  8. Hooker,of course you don't know anything. MP ran demeanng statements about us way before we critisized the crazy curate. Try to get your facts straight before you make uninformed bleats.

  9. Don't you just love it when you know that you have really got the goat of someone who deserves it in spades, Mark? Thanks for letting us know, Hooker. Made my day. Can't remember when I last laughed this hard. Incidentally, any time Hooker wants to deal with an old fool, all he has to do is look in the bathroom mirror. Guess the truth hurts too much. Incidentally, I see that his boy is still flogging the hell out of the old paranoia cock-horse: "I .... will continue to hammer on the door that has just been slammed shut in my face". Right! Couple of months back, Jonathan stated (wrongly) that "Lapinbizarre was banned from OCICBW for being a twat". At least I've never been fired for being one.

  10. It doesn't change a damned thing. Nobody has hurt you or any of your freakish multiple personalities. He published demeaning comments about you? Oh, too bad. Did you cry? Did it hurt you feewings wittle baby?

    So what? Really. So what? And who gives a damn? You got insulted. Here, I'll add to it. You are a freak. How's that? Are you going to obsess about that for years now? If you obsess about someone insulting you then you are the little man.

    And obviously, since you can't let it go that you got insulted and your feelings hurt over at MPs blog, you are a pathetic man. Sad. Pathetic.

    Look, I don't give a damn how sad you feel that you were insulted over at OCICBW. No one does. No one. And no one is going to answer your little questions or tell you that they are sorry. Because they aren't. So there you have it. Can you move on? No. Of course not. This gives you the only meaning that you have in your pathetic little life. Too bad for you.

  11. You say I'm a freak. But what about a poor cleric that no one wants at their church. O, I have never been in a nut house. I've newver begged for money on a BLOG. Nor do I BEG for attention.

    BTW, I can support my extended family; apparently MP has trouble supporting his wife.Certainly England should have some kind of help or follow up for preachers who can't support themself and their wife.

    I'm not sad. It's fun to read the writings of a total flop like MP.

    If MP were nice I think I could get him a job with our trash crew. With his crazy background, it might be hard but I'll try.

    I have plenty of friends, but since MP is not too stable I'not afraid to refer most of them to him. After all a wierd curate doesn't give people much confidence.

    I afraid no parent would want their kids around a off center curate.

  12. It's my birthday this month. I'll be putting the donation button up again. Please contribute as generously as possible - in fact give till it hurts. And, Lapin, darling boy. I checked back and it was because you were a twat. But, hey, I'm really glad you've found a new friend and one who you have so much in common with.

  13. Can't pay your bills again? I don't know Lapin, but I bet he doesn't beg for money on the net.

    Have you thought of standing on a street corner with a tin cup pleading for money because you can't support yourself and your wife?

    MP=Mad Peddler.

    I feel sorry for your wife; married to one of England"s most pitable flops.Have you checked to see if your asylum might help you again?

    Lapin and I both see right through you, and you hate that;try Salvation Army.

  14. Actually that link of Jonathan's has its uses, Mark. During the course of fixing up a virus attack, my browser links went AWOL. Being me, I hadn't the foggiest what your blog is actually called, but thanks to Jonathan's link, here I am.

    As to "it was because you were a twat", why not leave it to the reader to decide? For some reason (why, Jonathan?) acres of OCICBW from late May of last year seem also to have gone AWOL. Curiouser and curiouser. So I have posted relevant cached comments, pertinent to the question of whether I was being "a twat", or whether it might have been another individual who was being "difficult", at Of Course I Must Be Right.

    Good luck with another round of fleece the followers, Jonathan. From what I gather, it will likely be slim pickings this time around.

  15. Dear Multi Personality Troll,

    I have just put the donation button up on my blog to scrounge money for my birthday. I would be grateful if you could advertise this on your blog.

    Thanks for all you have done to add to my fame. Your comments about me always push the donations up.

    God bless you, each and every one.


  16. Dear MP, I am always ready to help people with problems---especially those with mental illness disorders. I can't help those who beg for money for their own use on the 'net. Please notify me when you need money for your expenses at an asylum. Giving money to an English curate with mental problems is not my idea of a priotity. Being in an asylum might be different.

    I hope the kids in your town don't throw rocks at the town crazy---that's you.

  17. 51, yet. So Dame Maggie's finally past her prime. Even so, you wouldn't think one of the "50 most influential figures in the Anglican Church" would need to stand on the corner with a begging bowl, now would you? No shame. Not to mention no sense of personal responsibility for one's own actions and not a clue, recent events notwithstanding, that "Oh, but I'm Mad" does not constitute the universal get-out-of-jail-free card.

    One thing you may be sure of, Mark - there'll be no more accounting to the Faithful for this round of "Fleece the Follower" than there has been for any of its predecessors. I'll give heavy odds, tho', that there'll be little enough money this time around. Said it before - "two professional salaries; rent-free house; no kids". "Free-loading b-stard" ring a bell?

    Wonder if the Inland Revenue knows about it.

  18. The blogger "begger' is still at it. Does the COE have any control over self-serving freaks who are connected with the Church? MP and his gang think they are so 'with it'? They get to be 'naughty' and pretend pious at the same time.

    That the 'community' falls face down to "no one wants me" MP should be a sign to the community. MP is on the looney train, hoping others will support him since he can't make it on his own.

  19. FYI a new post regarding Jonathan's latest grab for "The Family's" cash and sympathy.

  20. Hey, people... deep breath.

    Real things happening in the world here:


    and here:

    Don't like what you see? Feh! Get out and do something to make someone else's life better.

  21. Poor, looney, MP---tries to get me to give him money. But couldn't if I wanted to because I am blocked from his blog. Sad.

  22. "Real things?" Like Jonathan's annual birthday drunk?

  23. I'm not sure how I ended up over here but, I must say, I sort of want to take a shower or something or maybe sprinkle some holy water over my (closed, of course) laptop here. There's a lot of out-and-out poison on this thread.

    Shame on you. It takes a lot to make me say that. But I'll say it again: Shame on you.

    If some of us have benefited from Jonathan's ministry, what is that to you? I'm serious. A little proper self-examination is in order to see what is prompting this toxic venom.

    It gladdens my heart to send a few quid across the pond to my BROTHER for his birthday. Why (for the love of all that is holy) would you have a problem with that?

    Sad. Sad.

  24. Ellie, I'm not sure where you are coming from,but sending money to a blogger you have never met seems strange. I guess I'm your "brother" also;I just had my birthday a few weeks ago but did NOT try to get other bloggers to send me money.MP often asks for money. What's up? Be careful.

  25. Sooner than clogging Mark's site with more comments, I have replied to your "toxic venom" question here, Elie. A "little proper self-examination" is indeed in order - just nor self-examination on Mark's or my part.

  26. Ellie, my problem with MP and the cult can easily be clarified by looking at my post of July 26,2009 and coming up to the present on my blog.I'm afraid your worship of MP may be misplaced.

    I have changed my name on my blog because of the rather crazy comments, especially after MP published false address, phone number, etc.and a false picture of me on his blog. Such practices are illegal as you may know.

    The young man I refer to as my "son" is a friend of my nephew's son. My wife and we have supported him by paying for his college and providing a spare condo we own for him and his brother.

    "Mark" was married a few weeks ago. I am using his name. This is necessary because of lies perpetuated by MP and the cult. Mark. I am sending this under anon. because I am having a problem with my google account.

  27. Well, well, well. Are we jealous, snookums? Not selling many copies of your bizarre self-published book on Amazon? I suspect that your new boyfriend LapinDesperate (star of Desperate Old Librarian Spinsters of the Deep South) has yet to buy a copy of that manual of deep thought. Perhaps you should send him a copy.

    Your boyfriend Lapin has a real rant up over at his place. He is working so hard to defend you. Honestly, I think that it is because he got kicked to the curb and can't let it go. It isn't about you at all, I'm sorry to say. I don't think that you are his type.

    But he is such a old dear. He called me a cats paw. How sweet. Do keep him around, won't you?

  28. Old Hooker,I guess you will never get it. No kids,afraid of the world,you misidentified us twice before and now on your third try.You still can't figure out who you are talking to.But we give leeway to those with history of mental instability.I notice you are closing up for awhile. Come back soon.Few people get to talk to a pitiful psycho; I have for a year.

  29. The detritus that clings to Jonathan's butt-hairs is still with us, I see.

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  32. hey crazy, where have you been hiding? We need another rant about MP and you and LapinDeluxe have been slipping on the job. Get back to work! Nobody told you to take a holiday.

  33. Nobody told Your Boy to take a holiday either. Two weeks gone. Vacation or "rest cure"?

  34. The mentally ill curate is back. Afraid to let people on his blog. MP has a history of well...being of unsound mind. Remember his quote: "My life is my blog." That quote sums it up. Can't get a job;begs for money;cries for compliments.

    Someone please give him a job!! Any kind, any place. Be careful who he is around. I don't think he is dangerous, but sometimes the town crazy can do strange things.

  35. Not back, Mark. Absent, without explanation, since June 23.

  36. I'm just assuming that the "hooker" comments are either MP or a member of his cult.They remind me of James Jones of "jamestown" fame.

  37. No, no. Not a follower. Just somebody who stops by to have a good laugh at how easy it is to wind you two up. I always come here for a good laugh at your expense, and you never fail to deliver.

    No, I'm not MadPriest. Your internet logs should show you that I've visiting from the US. I'm just someone on the internet who thinks it is fun to wind up the crazies and watch them say stupid things. Will all my heart, thank you for giving me so many opportunities to laugh at you.

  38. No doubt you are a full pledged member of the MP cult. Did you meet him in the mental asylum?And speaking of "crazies", do you accept the mad priest story of mental illness. I saw a great documentary on TV last night about preachers 'collecting' money for their own use;kind of like MP money schemes and you as the sucker. Quite entertaining!

  39. A racist libel, apparently completely unfounded, by Jonathan against the Archbishop of York at OCICBW, Mark. Commentary by Fr Jass here, and at my site here.

  40. MP is so weird, it's obvious he is losing it again. Lapin, you you may not like this, but I believe many of his "community" are not all with it.

    MP deletes many of his ourtageous posts,comments. But apparently the "community" think that's just fine. As I've written before many of his followers like to show how 'modern' they are by using words that are 'naughty.'Sure, I know words by themselves are just sounds made by humans. And I know pictures of all human body parts are not 'bad.'But there are social conventions that keep most people from using certain words and pictures.Especially in a public forum(blog). Most peoplle think clergy(and their wifes)ought to have some standards.MP and his "community" apparently disagree.

  41. So if someone restricts comments on their blog, that means that they are only allowing sycophants onto their blog? I think not; I restrict comments because there is an atheist troll who likes to go around and leave snotty comments about religion on blogs of believers. I'm surprised he hasn't turned up here yet.

  42. I'd like to add that I have never, ever seen such childishness on a blog thread in my entire life - from BOTH sides of the debate.

    This is all entirely too ridiculous for words. It's a bunch of big kids snarking at each other.

    Over one Church of England priest.

    MadPriest must be one powerful individual, to exert this much influence in the blogosphere. Amazing. Really amazing.

    And to think, you all have handed him that power.

  43. I believe Aristotle said something to the effect that 'the equality of unequals, is inequality.'At least in this blog dispute MP and his community are the unequals. If you look up the whole dispute, you would see that MP is of devious character. I have explained all this on my blog. If you checked it out, you would see the the 'real' MP and his followers are without standards.

  44. Hey, mr. unequal , why don't you answer my questions. You're faking it(or maybe you are back in a catatonic state).

    Apparently your church thinks you are a loser. Certainly some tiny parish would "take you in."Give the kids in another town a mad cleric to throw rocks at.

  45. As I said a couple two or three weeks back, Mark - "..the sad, warped "Hookers" of this world - the fruits by which we know Mr Hagger".

  46. Charming. John H., what are you feeding that tired old southern library clerk to keep her around so? Sherry and well-cut up index cards in aspic? I suppose it's alright to provide projects for the aged but monitoring this blog might be taxing her a bit much. The old dear's mind was stamped 'discard from stacks' ages ago. You should let her enjoy her threadbare senility in peace.

  47. MP, I have no idea what you are writing about. All I know is that you have had serious mental problems. You admit that. And your failures show most people consider you still dangerously wacko. The people in your community praise you out of pity for a total flop. Proven by your admission ' my life is my blog.' Really sad.

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