Thursday, August 27, 2009

Big Jim at Mad Towers

Yesterday, the editor and I tried to sketch in Tracie for the Mad Towers book/movie. We noted she was a real character, but somewhat 'damaged by her over lush attitude to the Master or MP. But this attitude toward the Master is not confined to ladies. (Sorry Susan S. We just don't have room for you). For example, we have Big Jim, we'll call him.

Recently he posted the following on the MP blog: "Brilliant both of you, absolutely brilliant."!! Now, if you're MP, could you ask for more!!

A little background. When I was working on my doctorate in philosophy, a current joke was: If you are in a philosophical debate and you may not be winning say,"Well, of course, Duns Scotus, is definitive on this matter." You win. Your opponents don't want to go there because no sane person knows or can figure out what Duns Scotus was trying to say.

Well, how does that work out with Big Jim. Say he's at a cocktail party in Illinois, his home state. Just for a moment over scotch someone mentions they are a Methodist; another volunteers Catholic; a third chimes in with Jewish. Big Jim opines "I'm Anglo-Catholic."WHAT??? the others wonder---better get on to the Cubs and Whitesoxs. Message: Don't bring up religion around Big Jim; you may make a fool of yourself---after all what is Anglo-Catholic?? Is it something like "scientology?". Someone told me there were three Anglo-Catholics in Illinois. Still the best definition of an Anglo-Catholic: 'Let's dress up and play like we're Catholics.'

Give me a break!!!

Big Jim has a blog. He uses 'comment moderation.' Probably be better if there was a 'comment immoderation' button. Not allow any moderate comments. It'd sure liven the place up. And maybe he could stop saying 'my little blog' all the time.
We know that already.

In the book/movie we see his character as a kindly, pipe smoking eccentric living on a little, insignificant acreage next to Mad Towers and acheiving what recognition he has by at least being acknowledged, on occasion, by the Master.

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