Monday, June 9, 2008

I suspend.

As we come to the end of the presidential primary season, the expression "my campaign is in suspension" has become a recurring mantra. Romney, Huckabee, and Clinton at one time or another have had their campaigns "in suspersion." I have not posted here in some time, but I have continued to search for opinions on aspects of Catholicism, and placed comments on several blogs without , in most cases, getting any response. Now obviously the blogs I have commented on may find my questions not worth answering. True, to a degree, maybe. But I also suspect my questions are found difficult by some to answer. As a result I have placed my Catholicism "in suspension." Now don't get me wrong. The Church little cares or will remember what one individual thinks. But for my sake, here goes.

I posted the following question on 4 blogs and ask which is the better Christian, "A" or "B"

"A" runs a child sex ring.
Forces his employees to work 14 hours a day.
Offers no health insurance to his employees.
Dumps toxic waste into a river used for recreational purposes.
BUT is active in the pro-life movement.

"B" runs a home for homeless children.
Limits employees to 40 hours a week.
Offers free comprehensive health care to his employees.
BUT believes Roe v. Wade was a good decision.

Of course, I was trying to make a point. I got two answers and was STUNNED by both!! The first answer from a very liberal blogger was, in essence, 'well, I don't like to judge other Catholics but I would assume "B" was the better Christian." Assume!!! My heavens!! The second answer from a very conservative Catholic was 'they are equally bad.'

What is going on here? Am I going crazy or have these other two Catholics become blinded by a one issue Church as many see it. Where is human reason? Do these two, only two, I realize, represent Catholic thinking. BTW, the other two blogs just ignored the question. Well, I guess they thought it was of no importance.

Now, I am going to be on this topic for some time. Should you stop by, you might leave a one letter or more answer.


  1. Jack

    I hope everything is well with you and yours.

    I really doubt that one would find such clear examples in reality, but “what if’s” can be interesting.

    Well I suppose the official answer runs something like thi:

    Until such time as judgment people are made in the image and likeness of God, but with a damaged nature because of the Fall. But not a totally depraved as Luther would have it. So everyone has some evil and good in them. The persons in your examples have different selections of good and evil but they are equally short of the grace of God.

    They both need to repent and amend their ways. Fortunately Jesus gave the Church the gift of the Sacrament of Confession or Reconciliation so they can repent, be forgiven, and receive the Grace to amend their ways.

    Is one worse that the other, well in the sense that one might burn at 666 degrees Fahrenheit and the other at 666 degrees centigrade one could have an interesting discussion, but I think the better choice for both is to repent and turn to Christ.

    And maybe I’m getting slow but I sure do not know a better answer.

  2. Hank, You know darn good and well that "B" is better. You have TO!!!. You just can't say that supporting Roe V. Wade is worse than running a child sex ring. I know you are a better person.

    Still love your blog. Jack

  3. You are twisting words, but then, that's what I expect from you.
