Sunday, May 17, 2009

Foreign Agents?

Apparently most people do not know that the Ku Klux Klan in the 19 teens was an anti-catholic organization as well as anti-black. The rational of the group was that catholics owe allegiance to a foreign power (the Vatican) and were thus unpatriotic and disloyal to our country. Now, of course, this was foolishness, but we see an echo of what caused these Klan beliefs in the U.S. today.

The idea that over 80 per cent of Americans favor murdering children, the accusation that our president supports murdering children and the support of such nonsense by a goodly number of catholic bishops, while the rest of the bishops fear to cross the fanatics, makes the old Klan idea surface at least to a remote possibility. For example, does Chaput take directions from the Church on political matters? Or does he represent a foreign state?

Maybe catholic priests and bishops should register as agents of a foreign nation. Just a thought.


  1. I'm sure that the percentage of people who really support the murder of children is very small and as a matter of fact if the question was asked, Do you favor the killing of children? I don't think that even one per cent would agree.

    As far as the ones who do agree literally with the killing of children then all I can say is, Forgive them Father for they know not what they do!

    As far as the kkk is concern, well they how I feel about them from way back.

    Welcome back Jack!

  2. Victor, Don't many catholic bishops believe most Americans and Obama are 'complicit' in murder? Jack

    Google "makes" we use anonymous.

  3. I can't speak for any Bishops but I myself believe that honest loving hearts should admit when we've made a mistake. In other words we should pray that God helps us make the right decision and if others think we're wrong, well I believe that we should pray some more and let God's Will be The Judge.

    I'm sure you've heard the old saying that we can lead a horse to water but we can't make him or her drink.

