Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Please help this priest!!!!!!!

Listen, I'm tied up in basketball and school, but will someone please, PLEASE give the English clergyman who can't get a job a break. His blog is always concerned with the poor oafs' plead for a job, or,in the alternative, money.

The guy has had mental problems for years but wants some parish to trust him with their spiritual well being. He has a blog following of half-crazies,but If some parish would let him hang around, his "community" would probably send the parish money.

So could some parish PLEASE help!!!


  1. speaking of Mental Problems...eh!!

  2. You notice I do not delete negative comments and have an open blog.

  3. Now, now. I truly resent being called a half-crazy. I'm a whole crazy, thank you very much.

  4. Ellie, I don't think you are crazy. But I hate to see you playing MP's game which deals with ego AND money

  5. Pot, this is kettle.

    You are SO black.

  6. I too am deeply insulted by the canard that I am 'half-crazy.' I have been working on full craziness for some 63 years and believe I have achieved much more than half. To my shame, I may still be 5% or so sane but I am working on that defect.

    Speaking of crazy, you do realize that your near stalker level obsession with MP does not look all that normal -- right?


  7. Jim, I find it hard to believe that the MP community is so naive.Don't you see you are doing nothing but feeding MP's strange ego and probably being taken for a few bucks? Even the worst TVangelist make an accounting for the money they 'solicit.'MP never does. Don't you find that a bit odd?

  8. I'm a reader of MP's that has actually never donated to him. I can't really afford to right now.
