Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Some MP thoughts

Poor old (crazy) MadPriest. No one wants him at their church. And he inflates the number of commenters. Some numbers on his post "The mad gang go walking."

Total comments: 62

Total commenters: 28

Three commenters almost make up half of the comments.

Number of churches desiring his service; O

Trying to catch Worm----for most just plain off color comments. Probably his only defense.

Purpose of MP blog: To give MP a boost that, in this day of priest shortage, he tries to sell books on his blog since he can't get a clerical position. Also loves to hear people say he is "okay." Despite past history: Looney house.

Does he have a family? Apparently as impotent as his thought.

But, certainly there is a sexton's job.

Watch his language around kids. Many are afraid of crazy clerics.

Deathly afraid people will know what he is like.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, bub, but I am Catholic. I just don't kiss the hierarchy's arse!
