Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Real MP

I don't know where to start; but I do have a question. There is a blogger---MadPriest---he correctly calls himself. Mad in either sense.

He has about 50-60 followers. I have followed his blog for a couple years. Now, hold on to your seats MP fans, because MP, feigning some (perversion) of Christianity. For example Wormwood.... needs a toilet brush to wash her tongue. She claims to be married to a priest(I believe). Her most significant value is playing with crudity. An then poor Dah-veed, MP makes him crawl in penance for forgivenedd from the Mad one. And them, the Louisiana Lady and her friend Cathy literally gasp with excitement when MP drives then around Scotland. And, of course, I assume the ladies tip him since he is out of work.

Now my question is this: and it is NOT a trick.

Do MP followers know what he is really like---a pitiful out of work priest with a personality disorder verified to me my members of his (former) parish OR

Am I incorrect in my characterzation of MP.

As some may know I offered 7,000 to any one who could verify they personal information---address, phone number, photograph etc. I have had no claimants. The offer is no longer valid---after all several months should be plenty of time for any claimant.

Finally, having followed MP's blog for a couple of years, I ask with all sincerity, does anyone know any Christian deeds he is remotely connected with.

I do not use "comment moderation-so fire away if you want.
Do you think my characterization or MP is not correct?


  1. Honestly! I've asked The Holy Spirit to help U>S (usual sinners) out and after my mistake on crystal's blog, I thought that I should at least check out Mark's blog.

    Finding out that "IT" is your blog is really surprising but then again, the Lord sure does work in mysterious ways.

    I just had to say hello Jack! How you been keeping?

    God Bless,


  2. Victor, you and I are millions of miles apart on theological issues. BUT, and this is important, YOU sure practice Christianity, which is more than I can say about MP and his gang.

  3. Jack believe "IT" or not, there's still hope for you and MP cause millions of miles apart is but "A Moment in Time for Christ and His Angels.

    Didn't Jesus tell peter to get behind him?

    That was because one of peter's cell was thinking negatively if you know what I mean!

    I hear ya Jack!

    sinner vic, your past sins didn't listen to God when He brought you out of slavery and I know that cause one of my imaginary spiritual cell saw Him create all kinds of miracles and just to name a few, He brought down fire and parted the waters through one of His Born Again Prophet, He pored water from rocks when some of His Children's Cells were thirsty, He even caused food to fall from The Heavens and still you would not believe so why you bugging me now?
    Why don't you just wake UP all your cells sinner vic cause sinners are not in charge of "TIME" as we know "IT" to be and while you're at "IT" tag MP for me and for Christ sake sinner vic, tell Victor to stop putting words in my mouth! :)

    Ya! Victor this is the same old Jack and why some of your cells spent time on him is beyond understanding cause if I was the host in charge I would simply say, (Jack You Late!) and go on with my life.

    Now be nice! Don't be like that sinner vic cause remember we're all God's Children and He Loves U>S all.

    Keep praying for me Jack cause God only knows how much I need "IT" and I'm not laughing right now!

    God Bless,


  4. Jesus said to peter, get behind me Satan. Is that not so Lapinbizarre?

    I didn't capitalize peter cause he was not ready yet to receive The Keys of The Church that Jesus founded but peter eventually became Peter and then Jesus said in so many words that Peter was The Rock of HIS Church.

    I could write on and on but I'll simply leave "IT" at this for now.


  5. Peter indeed, Victor. So many years since I read it that I had mistakenly transferred the quote to the 40 Days in the Wilderness.

    My mind was hopelessly corrupted on the quote by an Anglican archdeacon who taught my then impressionable young mind that the full quote is "Get thee behind me Satan. And Push!"

  6. I think that we best let "IT" be now Lapinbizarre and I ask JOB and Satan on this day to forgive me for having started the push.

