Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Blogging: Good/Bad

Got some time so thought I'd make a couple of lists.

Incredible variety of interests.
Some really great people.
Some incredibly learned people.
Some fascinating discussions.
Some very tolerate blogs---tolerate different opinions.

So many, hard to find good ones.
Some really crummy people.
Often blog master never responds to questions or comments.
Many blogs have favorite 'commenters , kind of like a fraternity.
Some bloggers 'ban' people who disagree with them.
Some bloggers ban whole subjects like church and sex.
Some really arcane discussions on papal hiccups.

All in all:Blogging great fun.


  1. This post was by Jack, not Frank. Latter still recovering. Jack

  2. Jack,

    I agree. There is no perfect world, not even blogdom. I have yet to find a site with whose positions I completely agree (even yours). :) I think that I don't, in general, have the knack of forming on-line friendships--I think I write too formally, maybe? :) Anyway, I am still glad to have found this one, and the others I visit regularly. I have to admit, though, that what really strikes me about bloggers is that such a high percentage of them appear to be utterly braindead! For every thinking person out there, there seem to be dozens of people willing and able to pontificate ignorantly on any matter under the sun! Do you visit Vox Nova? You might enjoy SOME of the discussions they get into--others are either too esoteric or too strident for my tastes. :)
    I hope that you and Alice are doing well; give Frank's foot a squeeze for me...

  3. But Caitilin, you ARE a friend at least to Alice, Frank and me. You need to post more. We would love to know more of your views. You were great on the touching. Alice and Frank kind of disagree with me:I'm not much of a toucher. I'm going to tell Frank you would give his foot a squeeze if you could. He'll count it as one! And thank you!!! Jack
