Monday, April 13, 2009

Clergy and Sex

I have suggested before that the dominant element in Catholic church dogma and practice is dominated disproportionately by the chergy's desire to regain the "power" they think they made have had in the "good old days." And this strategy is clearly seen, to me, by a strong revival of the Church's historic hostility to anything sexual. So I submit these points.

No one is allowed to have any influence in the Church except clergy.

These clergy must be celibate.

These clergy must not have any sexual activity.

The clergy must have no sexual thoughts whatsoever.

If they do such thoughts must be repressed.

All unmarried persons must refrain from all sex thought or repress such.

Masturbation is considered a sin.

Any male orgasm outside the women's vagina is a sin.

The above restriction applies to married couples.

Any type of "artificial" blockage of sperm emission is a sin.

The principal purpose of all sex is only procreation.

Because, the above principal is rejected by almost all, the celibate clergy have added "unity" as a possible purpose of sexual intercourse, but only if it is open to procreation.

The church's central, and only public requirement, is the opposition to abortion.

The Church defines abortion as the killing of persons, beginning with the flat insistence that a one cell fertilized egg is a full person.

IMO, the opposition to all abortion is simply an opposition to all sex, except for procreation.

IMO, Catholic clergy are to a great degree are people afraid of, disgusted by, or guilt ridden about sexual acts as younger boys, specifically masturbation.

To most people the anti-sex crazed clergy strictures on all sexual activity for clergy and sexual activity for the married only if opened to procreations, is analagous to a deaf person critiqueing a symphony.

I have attempted to find stories of the early life of today's bishop's. I have only found 4---all suggesting a rather strange attitude in the years prior to becoming priest.

I have no objection whatsoever to homosexual priests. They are no more dangerous to the young than heterosexual priests.

The Church's frantic effort to root out homosexuals is clearly a "cover" after the priest abuse scandal, where 80 per cent of the victims were male.

Coming full circle. Chaput and crew don't really weep over every 'aborted' cell. But they do consider all abortion a form of birth control which leads to sex as pleasure. The latter a position the church has always considered an impediment to true "spirituality", and, most importantly, which priests, by living a totally sexless life, alone have the inside track.

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