Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Four Anglican Blogs.

I basically follow 4 Anglican blogs. Two are okay---one very good---and the other a bit grouchy.

Two, however, I get a feeling , at least to a degree, of a desire for self promotion. One, run by an English curate seems to be nothing but a "say I'm the greatest, most brilliant, most clever person" the reader has ever run across. A long history of mental illness, and a complete flop in his career may give him some latitude. He allows no discussion, bans any who see though him and contents himself with what he thinks are "snappy" remarks. He can get boring becuase he repeats many of his snappy remarks. He also hates the United States probably because his general failure in life makes him want to blame anyone, besides himself.

The second self-promoter is a guy known as Father J... He tried real hard to peddle a book he was going to write about his somewhat sleezy youth. But you can't make it selling, say, 100 copies. His latest ploy is to analyze the Anglican dispute. Father J...and his coterie think he would have some real insight on this matter because he once was a car thief and a druggie. Now what that has to do to make you an expert in ecclestical history is something known only, apparently, by his cult.

But we can learn from Father J... In the future we should look only for supreme court justices in the U.S. who have commited felonies and spent at least some time in the "big house."

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