Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Assumptions. We just say they are true. So they are?

Football season is here, so I've been away for a few days. But I have three topics I want to introduce here hoping I would get some kind of rational answer.

One. We use the word "God" in our vocabularies almost every day, but ,to be honest, I, and we, I suspect, have no idea what we are are talking about. Supreme being. What does that mean? It's just another way to say "God." The "creator." Means what? The ground of all being???And we could go on and on. I challenge anyone to define "God" without just making the definition more complex. And what is our relationship to God? Does he talk to me? Does he tell me what to do? Does he occupy space? Does he think? Does he have a brain? Etc.

Two. The "creationists" have pretty left any intellectual ground they stood on. So scientist and rational people agree. So I think we've cleared up biology. And almost no biologists or educated people even argue with the creationists anymore. Is the same situation prevailing in philosophy/science. Do the "new theists"seeing the triumph of science and its approach, find the field empty--- do these "new theists" have the field to themselves. So we get Keith Ward being considered seriously. After all, Ward and his group, like the "creationists" try to find something unexplained by science and then say that proves God. Ward, for example, fools a great many by finding something in Kant that can be twisted a bit, and alleluia, that almost proves theism.

Three. What in hell do we Catholics mean by "vocation."? The argument apparently means that God calls each of us to do something. In other words God tells me to be married(the bottom), single-celibate(one step up) or a priest(the highest "vocation."

The three things I've mentioned above have become such common assumptions that we don't even discuss them. I think I'll touch on each in the next few days. Be fun for me.


  1. Hey Jack! Did your football team win cause if they didn't then you just didn't have enough positive thinking cells going your way!

    I hear ya! Victor, the power of positive thinking will only take you so far unless you believe in Witchcraft and we Catholics don't believe in such things.

    One (a). I sure hope that we're not using the name of "God" in vain cause "IT" is a sin and just cause we don't know what we're talking about doesn't make "IT" right to do so. By the way, when "IT" comes to Our Heavenly Father, He really did create Heaven and Earth in our own image.

    (B)Some of U>S usual sinners, whom we could call Supreme being kind of jumped the gun on our Heavenly Father and His Family and that fact is older than the oldest profession "IT" self. Because they learned that they were gods, many of them made "ONE" of their cell god and started their own spiritual kingdom religion and if you don't believe me just ask one of our countless time dimension cells but if I were you, I wouldn't venture there cause you've probably heard that the fourth dimension might keep one of your socks.

    (c)As you said, we could go on and on talking about these so called gods till hell freezes over but there are so many of them and I'm certainly not going to tell any of these so call rat gods that they don't know what they're talking about.

    (d)You and I could start our own so called religion but I ask you, what good would "IT" do when "IT" has to be approved by sinner vic and all his imaginary spiritual gods.

    (e)Thank you veery must, I'll stick to "Jesus" and if I'm wrong I'll be sure to let you know when I get to "Spiritual Grade ONE" in one way or another but remember that you'll still have free will.

    (f)Trust me, I'm not trying to make "IT" more complex but I can't speak for The Halloween Dead who have been given a day out every year by Our Lord. We who believe in "Jesus" have really nothing to worry about cause His Saints make sure that they never harm any of U>S who truly believe in Him.

    (G)We really are gods Jack and when you talk to yourself, you're talking to him but be careful what he really tells you cause, excuse the expression, "IT" can be a hell of a jigsaw puzzle cause there's always an angel or two waiting on the side line to borrow what your god might have given you.

    (h)If I was you Jack, I would stay out of outer space cause I'm sure that while you were teaching, you must have asked a student or two to get off "The Moon" and I'm willing to bet that these so called god student really believed that they had a brain! Ect.

    Two. My Jesus tells me that just because so called "creationists" and so called gods choose to jump into the ocean again and start their so called world, does not make them right just because they have countless followers.

    Three. I can hardly wait to take my spiritual vacation but I'm not dead yet but I've got my suitcase packed and I'm waiting for God to send His Chariot my way while some keep trying to find their so called "vocation" in our time. Go Figure!

    Jack! God's Children cells have been discussing this topic even before the ark was built and "IT" didn't help but like you say, "IT"
    "Be fun for me"

    I hear ya Jack! Like this god said in so many words in the pass, there's nothing wrong with you Victor, "IT"'s the rest of the world.

    You think Jack? :)

    God Bless,


  2. "We" Catholics?

    Give me a break.

    For 'truth in packaging,' how about:

    'We self-loathing' Catholics?


    "We who converted to Catholicism for the platform to more easily denouce it.

    You are a piece of work, whateveryournameisthisweek.

  3. Oh, my, the "mole" again. Pretends to be "open-minded" but chases after every Catholic prelates ass he can find. Get a life buddy--I assume you have a brain; try to use it. Maybe you are into "dominance"---you probably have erotic dreams of being abused by clergy. Jack
