Sunday, May 20, 2007

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I guess people get tired of discussions on abortion. Both sides, pro life and pro-choice, have made their points and apparently nothing will change them. I am disturbed that the prolife people refuse to answer specific questions--they simply repeat the mantra "human life begins at conception." They refuse to admit any nuances. Any discussion about what this means brings only a repeat of the chant "Human life begins at conception" I have ask on several blogs for the prolife response to several questions, but never get a response to the questions but just a repeat chant of "human.................conception." On my previous post I proposed three questions, variations of which I have posted on other blogs. But, of course, no response. I'll probably never get one!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Having watched the Republican presidential debate, it is clear to me, at least, that Guiliani, ambitious as he is, is far above the "know nothings" of the field. Of course abortion is the sine qua non of Republicanism. Other than Guiliani, the rest postulate to a foolish extremity this argument: human life begins at conception; therefore all abortions are murder. No nuance. No analysis. No exeptions.

But all reasonable people accept at least some exceptions. The knownothings allow for the life of the mother. Okay take them at their word. Who is to decide if the mothers life is at risk? A doctor or a government official? This is the crux of the issue.

Persomally to me we must protect human persons, not just human "life", whatever that means. The life begins at the moment of conception argument offends all common sense. Many examples could be given: are miscarriages counted as deaths in government statistics? is excessive exercise leading to a miscarriage tantamount to manslaughter?if a women has 5 viable fetus' and 10 miscarriages do we say she has 15 children? It's just so insane!!!

So the life begins at conception, without any nuances, is simply a mindless matra of the ignorant and political gullible!

Friday, May 4, 2007

of course, i was being a bit facetious. so you think i should direct this to joe? brownback is 100 per cent pure on this issue. as a catholic it is an important question for the church. i wonder what they say, officiously. i will vote for obama. jack for hilary or edwards.

political question. don't want to go to hell!!!!

hi b or anyone out there. my question is this. what does catholic voter{me} do in 2008? since all democratic candidates favor killing babies, i can't vote democrat. ask your bishop. am i not right. please don't give proportionate argument as nothing tops killing the innocent. half way joking, but half way i left with romney and mccain. of course they believe in killing foreigners and american criminals but not the unborn. help save my soul!! jack is safe he is invincibly ignorant--is that the current phrase for non-catholics. alice