Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Having watched the Republican presidential debate, it is clear to me, at least, that Guiliani, ambitious as he is, is far above the "know nothings" of the field. Of course abortion is the sine qua non of Republicanism. Other than Guiliani, the rest postulate to a foolish extremity this argument: human life begins at conception; therefore all abortions are murder. No nuance. No analysis. No exeptions.

But all reasonable people accept at least some exceptions. The knownothings allow for the life of the mother. Okay take them at their word. Who is to decide if the mothers life is at risk? A doctor or a government official? This is the crux of the issue.

Persomally to me we must protect human persons, not just human "life", whatever that means. The life begins at the moment of conception argument offends all common sense. Many examples could be given: are miscarriages counted as deaths in government statistics? is excessive exercise leading to a miscarriage tantamount to manslaughter?if a women has 5 viable fetus' and 10 miscarriages do we say she has 15 children? It's just so insane!!!

So the life begins at conception, without any nuances, is simply a mindless matra of the ignorant and political gullible!


  1. Aren´t you going too far by saying that the argument "offends all common sense"?
    And, since when statistics (or better, the way in which statistics are measured) are able to make up a moral argument?
    Don´t mothers suffer the miscarriages?
    The example of excessive exercise is no technical abortion, but a natural one (i.e. not intended).
    I see no further ideas in your speech. You demand reason and thinking, but, what do you offer in order to debate into depth?

  2. Hey Jackjoe, you have an interesting blog here. As there are not a lot of liberal Catholic blogs out there, you might find mine of some interest.
