Friday, March 27, 2009

Blog Guide

Waiting for the big games. So a few words on "blogs," the greatest invention since---well, I won't say it. But it starts with s and ends with x and has 3 letters.

Blog clubs. A lot of blogs are kind of like college fraternities and sororities in Mississippi. They have their own "members", they will let others come by, but its really better to be in the club. A good example of this is a catholic blog run by a real nice lady. She's liberal, so you can say about anything. But if her "members" don't like you and you comment on this lady's blog, she immediately breaks into poetry. I ask her to use Kilmer's "Trees" once, but she was sharp enough to realize the old saying (Myabe Chesterton) that the God who made the trees also made the fool who made the poems about trees. Still a fine blog. There are several other "club blogs.' I suspect the members have a real, and I mean REAL close relationship. They like to talk about getting drunk together.

Episcopal blogs. There are a whole bunch, but you can never get on. You have to sign affadavits, know codes, and wait for an anwer which NEVER comes. No joke. But I think I know the answer----there are no Episcopal/Anglicans left in America. The archbishop of Canterbury puts them up to act like there are still LIVING Anglicans here.

Catholic blogs. Well, at least, they're always home. Just be sure not to comment on one of these that you DON"T think a single cell is the same as a million cell organism. If you do, you could be threatened by drowning in Lourdes water.

Worst blog I've ever seen. Well, I won't give the name but it is run by an Anglican priest in England. This blog greets you by the blog owner saying something like 'I'm a nasty bastard, so don't cross me.' This blog has collected some of the foulest mouth, vicious people all over the world. The favorite word is various forms of the "F" word. A friend of my went on, by invitation I might add, and was met with salacious comments, and comments from a regular on the size of his sexual organ, just as examples. Then the blog reverts to lachrymose(Ya, I know I can't spell this) comments about friends of the blog who are ill or something. This is a VERY popular blog here in America, by the way, but be ready, measure the size of your organ ( not musical) if you're male and watch out!!!

Blogs ARE great. But this little guide could come in handy. Jack


  1. Got your message. Perhaps I could point to some more appropriate blogs in the Anglican/Episcopal blogiverse - it's really quite diverse.
