Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Opportunities for Benny!!!

Laying off Benny's silly comment about condoms, let's look at the hierarchy's mounting attack on the laity. Our dioscesan magazine had a veiled, but vicious attack on marriage. Of course this is the hierarchy effort to assert their spiritual and holiness superiority. Benny said something the other day about overemphasizing the role of the laity. And other efforts at the local level to 'discipline' members and on the national front to call 90 percent of Americans supporters of killing children.

And the trip to Cameroon: the future of Catholicism many claim. And why does the Church push the 'African/Southern' strategy. Lots of prospects in Cameroon. Life expectancy, 50 years; infant mortality, 76 per 1,000 live births (one of the highest in the world); literacy, overall 63 percent, women about 50 percent. You see a perfect place for old style Catholicism to make roots.

Dress up Benny in one of his great new costumes, send him to an underdeveloped, poverty stricken country dressed in his latest Vegas costume, promising 'magic'---well if that's not a winner for the old guard Catholics, what is?

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