Saturday, January 17, 2009


I officially united with the Church a year or so ago. So far nothing but disappointments. The latest. My 11 year old grandson had a "field trip" for "vocation day." 10 and 11 year olds being talked into becoming priests. I haven't ask my grandson Jack the details (don't want to hurt his faith) but what in the hell is going on. A bunch of priests telling these kids that they should never have sex thoughts? That way they can better serve God. Our wicked old bishop putting down, by implication, Jack's parents because they are less than the old fool bishop because they got married and had SEX thoughts? Does the church have no shame? Fortuneately the kids thought it was boring. What do these priests and bishop know about having loving a wife and the bond between parents and their children? I hope to hell they had chapperones there.

Because my parents were church musicians I am quite familiar with Methodist, Baptist,Presbyterian, Episcopal, Lutheran churches. In NONE of these did the clergy try to persuade 10 and 11 year olds to become minister, pastors etc. I know the catholic bishops love to raise their vocation rates, but I think they are sick!!

My wife, a lifelong catholic, has tried to cool me down by telling me these vocation sessions have gone on forever. Frankly the kids laugh at them. But sorry, I don't like celibates, many wierd, messing with the minds of kids.


  1. I could be wrong but maybe your wife is afraid of you throwing out the baby with the bath water!

    Do not fear Jack cause as sure as night and day, none of these old farts including me and you will bring down The Foundation that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as built.

    I hear ya! Again I say, speak for yourself sinner!

    There you go again Jack :)

  2. Still can't follow you, but glad to report that kids who were at the "vocation" meeting thought it was a riot, incredibly funny. The wisdom of the young. Jack
