Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Mad Priest Coverup.

I feel it necessary to use my blog to correct some imaccurate and misleading statements on the blog OCICBW run by Mad priest. Let me explain why.

Some 30 years ago, I was involved in a suit against the Board of Regents for Higher Education in my state. In preparation for the trial I met with the president of the most pretigious private university in our state. Moving ahead without details, he produced from behind his desk a framed map relative to the suit. Several months later at the trial, the president was asked about the map that he had shown me. Under oath, he denied such a map existed. Later this president died and was accorded universal praise from the citizens of the area. He deserved such praise, I guess, but I always wondered why he lied under oath.

Now today, I am involved in a minor squabble with Mad Priest and his "community" in a somewhat similar situation. My son and I, since last March, have been dealing with comments and statements which were made, but which no one will come forward and admit what they wrote. Before I get into the details like me touch on the 'conspiracy of silence.'

I have given the details under a blog "Youngcatholicfank." Let me say before I begin my post that it is possible, but highly unlikely, that I have attributed some of the remarks to a wrong person. I do not think so. But the attribution is not the key. We know what was said. Primarily two women were involved in the dispute. One going under the moniker "Tracie the Red" and the other "Wormwood Doxy."

Let me touch briefly on what I know of Mad Priest. He is an Anglican clergyman in England.. He and his followers consider themselves a "community"(their word.) Mad Priest has had some rather severe mental problems in the past. I do not say this to put him down, but to possibly explain the loyalty his "community" feels toward him.

Now in my first post on this matter let me explain why I believe this has turned into a rather harsh exchange. I have explained, as above, how this situation between the "community" and us has developed.

One of his commenters after our first contact with the blog suggested I might be a"troll." I will deal with this in another post.

Within a day or two, we were banned from the blog. MP directed his "community" not to respond to any comment we made. He then deleted all of our discussion, except a few he apparently overlooked. We,of course, wondered why the deletion was necessary? Was it to protect the "community." I don't know.

I offered to have one of the "community" review our exchanges and to abide by his judgment. No one responded.

I offered Grandmere Mimi to e-mail her discussing the problem. She refused, saying she would reveal my e-mail on her blog apparently so I could be called to task.My e-mail is always available. It is true I had critisized Mimi for not responding more strongly when 'put down' by MP. Mimi also barred me from her blog.

Wormwood doxy responded to an inquiry from me by closing her blog to me after, I believe, very strongly she had been inaccurate and incomplete in her initial reply.

"IT' ciritisized me about contacting him, and refused to discuss the issue after making a rather harsh judgment about me.

"Erika" showed interest in the situation of my stepson and then refused to discuss it further.

DA VEEH has made critical comments but is very difficult to reach. I did once but he does not have his own blog.

Now my request is quite simple. I would like the WHOLE exchange printed where MP would desire. If my statements and judgements are inaccurate in essence I WOULD BE MORE THAN GLAD TO EXPRESS IN THE MOST ABJECT TERMS MY REGRET. If MP and the "community' are wrong, I WOULD NOT ask an apology.

I must be honest and say I think MP and the "community" are involved in a "coverup." But let us see the record and let each decide.

More details later.


  1. Good Luck Jack and I'm not being sarcastic when I say that I will be praying for a quick resolution to this mental problem of concern.


  2. Victor. this is really only a BLOG big deal. Someone is not telling the truth here. Sure it could be me. But I don't think so.

    Let's find the "record" and let it speak for itself. As of this time it sure looks to me as if the Anglicans are hiding. We'll see. Jack. for Mark and Sheldon.

  3. Thanks for the info Jack and I'll continue to pray for all concerned.

