Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sainthood for the "naughty."

As I have written, the "seemless garnet" of Cardinal Bernadin is really not about "life" but about "sex is bad." There are several aspects to the "sex is bad" garment. The Church is making a real effort to show it is into sex as much as...say Hugh Heffner. One track being taken is to 'show' that the Church recognizes married saints just like celibate ones. The only problem is, it doesn't.

I haven't done a statistical analysis but here are some clear conclusions and ideas that show the Church still is and has been in love(wrong word maybe) with "don't touch...don't admit" sex is BAD.

Looking at the issue of married saints,we find they make up at maximum about 3 percent of all saints. Of course, such a figure should tell us "case closed!!!" as my high school history use to say. But looking a little deeper we find that these married saints were usually married at 13-15 years of age. Usually through a forced marriage. Some tried to get their husbands to make a vow of lifelong celibacy. Reading their biographies we find that almost all desired a life of total sexual abstinence. In other words they definitely weren't into "doing it." My favorite a St. Cecilia who jumped out a window when her husband tried to "approach" her on their wedding night!!!

But let's be generous. Let's say a handful DID enjoy a romp in the hay. But let's be clear, when it came to their possible sainthood, it is almost impossible to find a saint whose "ability" as a wife was a factor in their saintliness.

Now Catholic apologists have an excuse for the overwhelming--over 97 percent--of Saints who found a little sex a real turnoff. Leaving out the clear teaching of the Church that any type of sex is a clear impediment to being "really good,"(a position the Church tries to hide today) the excuse is put up that married people don't have enough 'lobbyist,' as we would call them today to push their saintliness. The celibate order of the Church apparently having plenty of time to make up and circulate stories to get their members well on the road to sainthood.

So the lesson is obvious: If you know a 'married' man or women that might be a saint---well look around and find the best public relations firm you can find. Then a married saint, who was really married, with all that naughty sex might be considered good enough to affix St. in front of their name.


  1. This post of yours "Sainthood for the "naughty"" really codgers UP a few pass brain cells in me Jack!

    I hear ya! After what you told me about your barber and his broken glasses sinner vic, I can understand how "IT" would. :)

    All kidding aside Jack! I was once a "Saint" or maybe I should say that sinner vic thought he was a saint because I would talk to animals and they would seem to be listening to me. Ok Jack! Now if you've finished chuckling I'll tell you that we had a goldfish in our home and I would put a few fingers in his bowl and he would come to the surface and let me pet him. I tried "IT" at one of my wife sister's place where she had about three or four goldfirsh and they came up and let me bet them also.

    I hear ya! Ok sinner vic but before I even consider you as my saint, I want to know how you feel about sex?

    Well Jack, let's just say that the older I get, the saintlier I become and to keep me from becoming a true saint, I take "IT" now and then and as a matter of fact, I even took "IT" this morning so I could keep my feet on the ground but don't tell my wife!:)

    OK Jack! Let's get to the meat of saintly hood and I honestly think that I, me and myself could write a book on "IT" but I'll simply let "The Holy Spirit" do the rest of my writing for this comment so here "IT" is bellow.

    Victor! Tell sinner vic to relax cause he's not the only spiritual cell in this world. There's a cell of Jesus in every human heart and I dare say that in about 3% of some human hearts can be found an invisible spiritual cell of One of Our Heavenly Father's Cell. I'm sticking my neck out here for you but "IT" is ok that I tell you this much cause no one will believe "IT" anyway and to make sure I will add that I'll talk to you again when you get to "Grade One" but in the mean time, remember that everyone of your spirit loving cells will be rewarded during every "Eternal Days" that you've accumulated for them. Who was "IT" that said in so many "Words" Happy and/or Blessed are the ones who believe and have not seen. Maybe when you get to spiritual grade two you will start learning how to control your "Words" in order to become a god cause Victor, what you then say will become "Reality" but until then take one day at a time and please don't call me again.

    I hear ya Jack! I still can't follow you Victor! :(

    But you will say a little prayer for me just the same! Right Jack?


    God Bless

  2. Victor,I'm beginning to think you are not really an old codger, but a real hip...well...maybe college student. Your glasses joke is way too with it to come from a grandpa!!!
