Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sixteen Reasons

A couple of years ago I came to "blogdom" with the main purpose of learning. One thing I wanted to learn was were there any Catholics of a reasonable and, yes, liberal bent. Well, there may be a few. I have not found them, despite a good faith effort. So I will change my profile to reflect my findings. For the time, I will list, not exhaustively, why I find the Catholic Church difficult to understand and follow.

I have difficulty being in a church that:

One. Teaches that over 99 percent of its members have no say in its beliefs and operations.

Two. Teaches being married is an impediment to a close relationship to God.

Three. Teaches having children is an impediment to a close relationship to God.

Four. Uses "double" talk. For example, John Paul II says authenticity of Shroud of Turin is to be decided by science then says it is the burial cloth of Jesus; makes gesture to accept evolution then insists all births are a special act of God, who constantly guides the evolutionary process; says abortion is murder but that the murderers should not be punished.

Five. Teaches the loss of one cell lost by spontaneous abortion or deliberate abortion is as tragic as the loss of a five year old.

Six. Claims that over 85 percent of Americans encourage the murder of children.

Seven. Claims that the President of the U.S. encourages the murdering of children.

Eight. Claims that voting for Democrats is voting to kill children.

Nine. Teaches that any male orgasm out side a women's vagina is a sin.

Ten. Holds people up as scholars when there only purpose is to advance Catholic doctrine. For example, George Weigel and Robert George.

Eleven. Believes judges in a democracy should decide cases not on the law but on the direction of the Church.

Twelve. Attacks homosexuals stridently, when 40 to 80 percent of Catholic clergy are most probably gay.

Thirteen. Endorses or acquiesces in the most blatant superstitions. Fatima, Lourdes, Padre Pio, crying statues etc.

Fourteen. Endorses corporal mortification; encouraging the faithbul to inflict physical pain on themselves as a method of acheiving a closer relationship to God.

Fifteen. Teaches that no decision maker in the Church should have any sexual thoughts.

Sixteen. Removes all social justice teachings except one; others are optional;a blatant effort to control thought and action in our country.

Enough for now.


  1. You could have (and probably did) level these very same complaints against Catholicism before you became a Catholic.

    So why did you join? Are you a masochist? A crank? Both?

    So frigging predictable. Jeez!

  2. Hey, I saw the church from a few yards away;I saw the lay members, a good group, but now for a year I've seen it up close---too close,the sick hierarchy. And fake "liberal catholics"---trying to save a smidgin of their respect. Kind of like people who blog and use "anonymous." If you can think, I will give complete explanation tomorrow. You may not want to come back; might scare you. Jack

  3. Jack

    A bunch of years ago I read a comment from a senior Cardinal talking about an approved apparition. It was to the effect that he would not say God cannot use an apparition to reach some of the faithful who would not pay attention otherwise, after all God desires the salvation of all, an approved apparition will teach you nothing that you cannot learn from a serious study of the New Testament. Unapproved and especially rejected apparitons should be avoided. I have always found this to be good advice. Since Joseph Ratzinger is not one of your favorite people, take it for whatever you think it is worth.

  4. Hank,

    You see to me the problem is that the "senior cardinal" is saying what? Well, an apparition is alright on two criterion. One, it cannot be proven false (very bad reasoning) and two, it helps in the spiritual development of the person 'seeing it and others. Very weak criteria, I think.

    Actually Ratzinger analysis of Fatima was a MAJOR factor in attracting me to Catholicism. I have ask many bloggers if they have read his analysis.None have, to my knowledge.

    Ratzinger makes it clear that the apparition was just in the mind of Lucia; no one can predict the future as Fatima addicts claim Lucia did; nothing actually "appeared" there; Ratzinger did not even touch on the sun crashing to the earth.

    If you get a chance see my new post on Mother Church. Jack

  5. Jack

    The next post is where I meant to coment.

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