Monday, November 26, 2007

Changed strategy

Ah, apparently I've been banned for heresy. I do want to add to my previous post that Vatican2 encouragement of the laity has made the church much safer. That council led to some ugly exposures but has led to public consciousness which had led, in my opinion, to fewer incidents of abuse.

The effort of some to reverse the responsibility is "back to the old tricks" posturing. This new strategy to cover the guilty by blaming societal changes will be bought by many. I notice our dioscesan paper has started, emphasizing that a former bishop found 3 married clergy in the diocese!!! And, of course Vatican2 played its part. I guess I should be happy to know that priests are no more likely to abuse the young than traveling salesmen. I have always thought that clergy were no more likely to abuse others than other occupational groups. I just thought we could expect higher standards from priests. Jack

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