Friday, August 28, 2009

St. Jake and MP. Someone has to gain.

We still have a few characters to fill out Mad Towers. But plenty to choose from, so we'll take our time.

In the meantime I want to know who else might be benefitting from the Anglican raucus. Two that are active right now are Mad Priest and St. Jake) (he stops the world).

MP has created quite a congregation by jumping in very early--blog wise--on the LGBT Anglican war. Indeed his disciples seem to be believe his blog has changed the direction of the 40 million Anglican Church--excuse me--communion. He was so successful in the minds of his 'neighborhood' that he started to solicit money over the internet to support his ministry which was, of course, himself. I've dealth with this before. He finally stopped soliciting through pay pal--it got to be embarrassing. I think MP hopes that if the "communion" breaks into 50 peices he might get to be maybe even a rectum and not have to remain as a lowly curate.

Now we have a new scavenger apparently looking for financial gain from the Anglican cat fight. I call him St. Jake as a tribute to the reverence in which he is held by HIS disciples. (Actually MP and St. Jake have basically the same disciples they compete for.) Anyway, Father Jake is now pushing a book on his blog. He's trying to be a bit more subtle than MP by asking for suggestions as to what he should write about. Now shucks; if an "author" ask my opinion you can be damn sure I'd buy the book when it came out!

Jake kind of favors an autobiography. Kind of Like "The Cross and the Switchblade"(remember Pat Boone?) and "Run Baby Run" (remember Nicky Cruz?). It's been done before; indeed you can't find a fundamentalist Christian church that doesn't have a preacher or youth minister who wasn't a former 'druggie', gay, gang banger, hood etc. But Jake just might bring that "I was saved by Jesus from nastiness" business back once again.

One thing Jake has going for him is the giant picture of himself on his blog. He certainly looks like a movie star...well, okay a 1930' "B" movie star. But heck, you can't have everything.

I'll keep you posted.


  1. Oh, this is embarrassing. All these posts about me and not a single comment for days.

    Have you checked out how many comments Jake and me get, Jack? I bet that makes you so jealous.

  2. Is your life counting comments? Even more sad than I thought. You guys prove there's a sucker born every minute. How are you doing money-wise?

  3. you truly are batshit crazy

  4. Anon, are you addressing me? MP as you may know spent many years in an insane asylum? But I understand, the UK has generous benefits for former and present psychotics. Have you applied?

  5. MP and I have not been speaking for months, Mark, but Anonymous is spot on. Do yourself a favour - quit making a spectacle of yourself.

    Doris Day as Tracie la Rouge, indeed!

  6. Mehitabel, the Truth sometimes hurts. You notice I do not censor comments as the insane one does.

  7. Gosh. Obsess much?
