Thursday, August 20, 2009

Your best chance to live forever in the sky.

Ever since I took an interest in religion, I always thought there were two issues in Christianity.

One. Who was Jesus or the Christ? Part man, part, God, preexistent, part of the "Trinity" and on and on.

Two. What did this Jesus, this Christ, tell us to do?

You kind of divide religions on which on these two does a Church or an individual emphasize.

Well, I come down on number two.Basically for two reasons.

One. All the metaphysical discussions about who Jesus was---a God, part of a God, part of a trinity, is all just human speculation. Oh, sure you can get fancy and say Jesus/God is the "ground of all being." But what does that tell anybody?

Two. The second, with some disputes, can clearly be found in what he said and taught. Even that is not completely clear. But it seems like a good start.

So let's say you want to be "saved" or live forever in the sky somewhere. Will that be decided on what intellectual conclusions you draw and have a good, a very good chance,of being wrong. Or to get down to the "nut cracking" will it depend on what you do,based to a degree on what the man Jesus said to do.

Living forever in the sky is problematic at best, but I'm going to guess you have the best chance by acting, not just thinking.

Oh, I know most churches like to say it's what you believe AND what you do. But my money is on the latter as your best chance to get to the forever sky(heaven, I believe we call it).

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