Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pentecostals. More bang for the buck.

Getting back on track we come to the Pentecostals---Assembly of God, Church of God and many others.

Back when I was young we called this group "Holy Rollers." We used to drive out on Sunday evening to watch the show. Today their influence has seeped into the main-liners religions, where they are called "charismatics." A good deal more "uptown."

I think these folks believe in the Trinity, but they have really fallen in love with the Holy Ghost (Spirit). I think they have some kind of theology, but their essence is found in their church services. This 'more for the bang' group features naked emotion. They fall on the floor, are slain by the Spirit(?), wail, bark, babble(speaking in tongues they call it) cry, can laugh for days---you name it the Spirit can make you do it! Of course, all this is not new. It's been going on In Christianity since the first century (See Knox).

There are some nice people here, of course. Usually located 'across the tracks'; their places of worship usually rank in the ugliest building in town and guarantee lowering property values. Their preachers keep the low end of the clothing and cologne business's going.

What if your daughter wants to marry a Pentecostal? Well, it depends on your daughter. If she likes to 'get with it' both in church and in the bushes with her boyfriend after the Sunday night service, then she has found the right guy and the right church.


  1. Sounds very much like a review I might have written.

  2. Doorman-Priest,

    Thought you might comment on the Mormons and the Christian Scientists. Coming up from the bottom, next is Seventh Day Adventists. Jack

  3. Jack

    There are two branchs of Pentacostals one belives in the trinity and other (usually called oneness pentacostals) doesn't.

    For entertainment some time tape q pentacostal sermon and replay it inchuncks so you can see if their Bible references are in context.

  4. Hank,

    I'm aware that there are different emphases with the pentecostal movement as there are in many religion. So in my Rankings I use the term broadly to identify groups that have at their center "the gifts of the Holy Spirit."

    Catholics, for example, have their charismatics. but they are not central to the religion. Jack
