Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Last "UP from the BOTTOM!

Last religion on the the "up from the bottom" list is the Nazarenes. Most people know that John Wesley inspired two different groups. He was an Anglican priest and never left. But he was also an "enthusiast" and like to see people fall on the ground and bark when he preached. So the Nazarenes. I not saying they bark at church;but they do like the "holiness" bent. When I was young my grandmother, a Methodist, told me the Nazarenes were...well, from the wrong side of the tracks and were those who couldn't make it in the Methodist group. Kind of snobish, but some truth there. Their motto---give us that old fashioned Wesley. Wesley the firey preacher. As far as I can find, their aesthetics are a bit tacky. Ugly churches, rather crude preaching, with some gramatical errors. Ethics, public and private just like most other "Christians".
If you daughter wants to marry into this group---well, she could do worse, but will always carry the tag 'a bit tacky'. Still she could be a holy roller so thank God for small favors.

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